For orders or questions please contact the contacts in the CONTACTS section on the side.
List of documents required for TIR-EPD:
- Driver's passport;
- Truck and trailer registration documents;
- TIR Carnet sheets 1 and 2;
- Freight shipping documents (CMR, etc.);
- Invoice;
- Packing list and/or specification (if available);
- Veterinary or phytosanitary certificate for goods of animal or plant origin (if available).
Information required for TIR-EPD:
- Name of border post;
- Contact mobile phone number of the driver.
What else should you know about this service?
Bunasta has a unique login code to TIR-EPD provided by the Lithuanian National Road Carriers' Association (LINAVA), which allows us to provide TIR Carnet details for you. All you need to do is log into the system once and grant free authorization to our specialists to complete EPI for you.
This service applies to TIR Carnets issued on or after 3 February in Poland and on or after 18 March in Lithuania.