"BUNASTA" participated in a business mission to Kazakhstan
2022 10 12
September 17-23 BUNASTA, together with other business representatives of the Lithuanian transport and logistics sector, participated in a business mission to Kazakhstan organized by the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists (Lietuvos pramonininkų konfederacija, LPK) together with the Lithuanian General Consulate in Almaty, the Association of Transport Innovations and The Union of Transport workers of Kazakhstan "Kazlogistics".
The purpose of this business mission was to build and strengthen business ties between Lithuania and Kazakhstan. We participated in two business breakfasts in Almaty with Kazakh and Kyrgyz business representatives, as well as a meeting with the Almaty city branch of the Kazakhstan Chamber of National Entrepreneurs "Atameken". We are very happy that during these meetings, together with other Lithuanian entrepreneurs, we were able to share our expert experience, listen to the expectations of Kazakh and Kyrgyz entrepreneurs, and increase trust in Lithuanian transport and logistics sector professionals.
We also met other entrepreneurs from Lithuania working in Kazakhstan and developing business, met with local entrepreneurs, participated in a business dinner - it is very important not only to make new connections, but also to maintain existing ones. Kazakhstan is an important business partner for Lithuanian carriers with great potential, so this business mission is significant for the cooperation of both countries and individual businesses.
During the business mission, on September 20-22, the international transport and logistics exhibition "TransLogistica Kazakhstan 2022" took place. The Transport Innovation Association set up a joint stand of Lithuanian companies at the exhibition, where we, together with other Lithuanian entrepreneurs, presented our services, the opportunities for cooperation with Lithuania to the entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan's transport and logistics sector. This stand was recognized as the best in the category of joint stands at the exhibition, we are glad to have contributed to this win, because it is important when teamwork is appreciated.
We are very happy with the opportunity to join this business mission, because we see great meaning in the cooperation between Lithuania and Kazakhstan, we see the connections that are already forming, and we hope to strengthen them in the future.