Anna Jarosz, Poland Branch Manager: "Watching such rapid development, it's scary to think what Bunasta will look like in 10 years."
2023 05 16
Anna Jarosz, who took over the helm of Bunasta Poland a few weeks ago, says she is impressed by the company's strong focus on the atmosphere at work. Anna is impressed by the company's culture and sincerity and believes that thanks to Bunasta's new development direction, competitors will only have to watch the company grow.
Ms Jarosz, Head of the Polish Representative Office, shares how she is fitting in, what she likes about her job, and how she sees the future of Bunasta.
You have been the Head of BUNASTA Poland for three weeks now. Why did you choose BUNASTA?
First of all I paid attention to the professional recruitment process. I had three interviews, each of them was more interesting than the previous one.
I was charmed by the fact that during the interview a lot of attention was focused on a good atmosphere at work.
At that time, I was in the process of recruiting to several other companies and comparing potential employers, I wanted to choose a place where I could develop and the employer trusts its employees and respects their individuality.
I noticed that in Bunasta I can get it all.
What does your day look like at BUNASTA? What do you like most about this job?
I'm learning a lot so far. I get to know the team, dependencies and processes so that my work can be helpful to others and not burdensome.
I manage the building, rent offices, represent the company in front of state offices etc.
I can’t wait when my contacts with the team will be good enough to discover their talents and motivate them for personal development, and thus for the development of the company.
What I like mostly in Bunasta is that I don’t feel any limits to action and I already know that I can depend on my coverchiefs in every topics – this is very important especially at the beginning my work in Bunasta.
Tell us what the BUNASTA team is like in your eyes as a new team member?
Bunast's team consists mainly of young and ambitious people.
Positive attitude to life and full of fresh ideas. I was hosted very kindly, so I feel very good here.
I really like the international character of the company, multiculturalism and multilingualism.
It doesn't matter if you are an employee of a branch in Lithuania, Latvia, Poland or Great Britain or maybe in Kazakhstan. Everyone is ready to help others and act together.
How do you see BUNASTA in the future?
I try to find out as much as possible about the history of the company. Watching such fast development, it's scary to think how Bunasta will look like in 10 years ;)
I expect a lot of technological development, although Bunasta already has a fairly high level of digitization.
I’m sure that we will open new branches in other countries and the competition will just watch how it is done.
Tell us what you like to do in your free time, what are your hobbies?
I grew up in the spirit of sport and team play - volleyball.
I played in the second league team for 12 years and this is my greatest passion, and because of that sport accompanies me till today.
Now I spend my free time with my family, cycling or traveling, which I love.
It is certain that I will return to volleyball. I miss all the emotions related to competition, achieving successes or dealing with failures - it will stay with me forever I think.